Monday, August 17, 2009

week in snapshots

1. lots of time looking up, 2. pony ride, 3. the view outside our booth at mt gretna, 4. buttons!, 5. mt gretna cottage, 6. jude's art work, 7. pennsylvania chautauchua, 8. mt gretna cottage lampost, 9. jude in the fairy garden, 10. swan planters, 11. fungi moss and stone, 12. seedlings for a fall garden

We had a challenging and enchanted week...our county historical society hosted its rural heritage day (more on that to come) and then we spent the weekend in the charming little village of Mt. Gretna. We were there for a show. Mt. Gretna is the kind of place that can make the rest of the world fade away...where looking up is as pleasant as looking down...where quant little cottages are nestled in trees...where a butterflies flitter about (one actually tried to get nectar from a flower on my skirt!)......where fairies and gnomes have tea in the woods. The beauty there is hard to capture in a picture. It's the feeling you have when you are there that makes it what it, so special.

1 comment:

  1. Mt. Gretna does look magical. I especially like the photo of Jude on the pony.


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