Since October 2010, I have been travelling a lot. I am doing peace work as part of the 13 Moon Walk 4 Peace. This involves a lot of walking, chanting, praying, participating in healing ceremonies, listening and learning from people from all walks of life. And every now and then, I am honored to be asked to speak at women's retreat.
July 16 and July 23
Camp Ladybug, West Milton, PA
Spend a relaxing few days reconnecting with your inner girl! I'll be leading a workshop on one of my favorite topics...Gratitude.
January 29
Walk a Mile for Peace, Austin, TXJuly 16 and July 23
Camp Ladybug, West Milton, PA
Spend a relaxing few days reconnecting with your inner girl! I'll be leading a workshop on one of my favorite topics...Gratitude.
January 29
December 10-12
at Holiday on the Boulevard at the Ashe' Cultural Arts Center in New Orleans, LA with the 13 Moon Walk 4 Peace team.
October 10, 2010
at the launch of the 13 Moon Walk 4 Peace in Atlanta, GA. I will be walking from there to Macon, GA, where my ancestors come from.
July 31, 2010
at Joyous Prosperity, a sacred women's retreat in Williamsport, Pennsylvania hosted by An Exquisite Life, I will be giving a presentation on the sacredness of Motherhood. You can also check out the facebook page for an exquisite life.
July 16, 2010
at Camp Ladybug, a camping retreat for women near Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, I'll be giving a presentation called "Finding Sacred Moments in your Everyday Life."