Thursday, September 24, 2009

handmade, homemade, homegrown...mystery wip

My life has been a little bit full lately. Lots and lots of ideas flowing through, but not a lot of them getting completed. So today, I thought it would be fun to play a little game and find the beauty in things that are in a state of incompleteness. So often I catch myself looking for some perfect complete state....but deep down I know that my joy is found right here, right now.

So here are three works in progress...

One homemade...

One handmade...

One homegrown...

Any guesses???? I'll be revealing the answers over the next week as they find a more complete (n0t perfect) state...


  1. That top one looks like pie crust, but I am probably so off :)

  2. I was going to guess pie crust as well. Maybe a dress (w/ belt)

    I find my self in the midst of creating lately too...looking forward to a few things resolving soon. Trying to just enjoy the process.


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