Wednesday, January 20, 2010

wabi sabi moments...weathered lamb

I stood in the cold
watching this lamb
lose its coat for the first time
it struggled
and my wool socks felt

you can see the complete wabi sabi moment collection here


  1. I am really loving these moments!

  2. You have to wonder what was going through is wooly little noggin. I'm sure that first shearing is a sight to behold.

  3. Awww! We'll be doing that in a few weeks at our local sheep farm. It's always freezing, and I always wonder why they shave them so early in the season.

  4. brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...... I hope she warmed up.

  5. I think this might be my favorite wabi sabi moment so far! This one is so real and so CUTE all at the same time, and I just love how seamlessly you brought the two of them together!

  6. Wow! I can't believe they shear them in the cold! Around here they wait till May. Last year we were sweating (it was an usually hot day in May). I love your words put to your experience.


  7. Beautiful post! makes me appreciate all my wool so much more.

  8. Lovely post! I have wool on the mind a lot lately. I am searching out a local source for some wool and am discovering a lot of sheep/goat/alpaca farms in our area!

  9. love your post about the sheep. i love sheep! love your blog! it is sooo simple and beautiful. thank you for sharing your life and words with us.


  10. another beautiful thoughtful post!


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