Friday, February 5, 2010

wabi sabi broke her heart

a heart is a fragile thing
until you find
the real One

You can find the entire wabi sabi moments collection over at flickr.
And if you want to see some unique valentine's day gifts, check out my post over here.



  1. Reminds me of The Red Balloon. The movie that always made me sad as a kid, yet I can now appreciate it as a work of art. But still there's something like letting your ballon string go by accident and watching it sadly disappear into the great unknown or having it pop and scare the crap out of you as a kid that makes me not really like balloons to this day.


  2. i love that... moments.
    very refreshing.

  3. ELizabeth! You are so very poetic. I love this post, so deep!


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