Monday, March 1, 2010

piping in on parenting

Whew!  We are back from a busy, busy week in Baltimore.  To my surprise and delight, the spring issue of rhythm of the home released today and an article I wrote on mindfulness is featured.  Oddly enough and without a bit of contriving on my part, I had something similar to say over at threading light today.  I even used one of the same photos without remembering that I used it for the article.

Hope everyone is well!  Looking forward to being back here this week at some point and making some visits to your spaces too!

blessings, love, and gratitude~


  1. mmm, loved the imagery in the sacred act of clothesline-hanging! thank you!

  2. Hi Elizbeth. Welcome home. I so liked your article so very much. It's loving the very small and mundane things in life sometimes. I felt so in touch with what is important to me after reading your article and I greatly appreciate your sharing the choices and connections you've made. The photos are serene, even the laundry. ;) Be well and blessings.

  3. I liked both articles as well. Thanks for sharing, Elizabeth. :)

  4. Looks like I have some reading to do. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on mindfulness. Welcome back!

  5. Beautiful. I was thinking the same thing as I hung laundry today...

  6. I loved your articles! Thank you for sharing them!

  7. i'm bookmarking it to read when i have more time this weekend
    thanks for sharing

  8. Your words and pictures are stunning; thanks for the Mindfulness article.

  9. i enjoyed your mindfulness article! threading light touched home yesterday, thank you!

  10. Thnak you so much for your contribution, it is something that as a family, we were really cherish. As always, beautiful work

  11. I'm loving both Rhythm of the Home and Threading Light! Of course, though, my reading time has been very short of late... I'll drop by the Light as soon as I can!

  12. Elizabeth,
    I so enjoyed your article at Rhythm of the Home. it is something that I constantly work to remember. The quote by Robert Louis Stevenson is one of my favorites. I used in the last issue of Plain and Joyful Living.
    Many blessings and warm wishes,

  13. It is always beautiful to read you in this space, I look forward to visiting your article at Threading Light xo

  14. congratulations!!! i enjoyed your article so very much!!!!


  15. I really enjoyed your writing! So glad to have found you at rhythm of the home.

  16. Beautiful article in ROTH! Love how you said your little guy tells you he is "taking deep breathes for you" I often think about mindfulness too.

  17. Nice article...I enjoyed reading it.
    And look at that snow! We have spring warmth here...


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