Tuesday, May 4, 2010

tonight....Jennifer Louden on the mindful connection

Something you might be interested in....
Tonight is the beginning of the new teleseminar series hosted by Donna Ashton called the Mindful Connection.  Jennifer Louden is the first speaker (tonight!)...and it's free to listen live or to hear the replays for 48 hours after the seminar.  The series starts May 4th and continues on Tuesdays and Thursdays through May 25th.  

A best-selling author of six books, personal coach, national columnist, and creator of retreats around the country, Jennifer is devoted to helping women find the good in their lives so they can have a blast while changing the world.  She's been on Oprah, been interviewed in most major magazines, and her newest project, The Comfort Cafe, is a learning adventure for women.

Join Donna as she hosts this practical mystic, and kick-the-buts-coach Jennifer Louden while she riffs, shares, and illuminates your most persistent ickies around that elusive thing called balance and that intriguing concept Jen calls Life Organizing.  

So check out the Mindful Connection tonight, and be sure to listen in on May 18th when I present a teleseminar called Finding Sacred Moments in Your Everyday Life.


  1. I love Jennifer Loudon. She has such great insight. I will definately be there for your seminar. Wouldn't miss it. Take care.

  2. This was an interesting convo. I enjoyed it...thanks for the heads up!!

  3. oh my, i can't wait to hear you..putting it in ical, may 18..

    .i like how you said

    illuminates your most persistent ickies around that elusive thing called balance

    love u.. h


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