Tuesday, June 1, 2010

where I've been...a weekend of forced silence

It became ironic that earlier in the week I admired Lisa's week of silence because by Thursday I was forced to be silent from laryngitis and remain today without much of a voice.  I won't ask you to come along with me over the last week of caring for a sick and tired 4 year old who refused to sleep or the mama who got drug down into the trenches herself.

Instead, I'll shoo you along to read about living the magical life over at threading light.  But before you go, look what I discovered in an unplanted window box right outside my bedroom window...

And right after I discovered this nest, I stood in the almost dark of dusk watching a hummingbird zipping through a bunch of yellow snapdragons...no pictures for that just me in the stillness and silence witnessing grace, joy, and *magic* and feeling grateful for the moment.



  1. oh friend, i am with you. i'd prefer laryngitis over sinus infection, but i wasn't given a choice. SLOWED down today by this sudden onset. of corse i am getting sick after all i just plowed through. time to lay down and recuperate. your egg photo is so magical. i would have freaked. and the one of the boys. i love that so much. they look so melded.

  2. That is kinda interesting that we both contemplated silence this past week. I'm sorry I missed your call. I will try tomorrow. I hope you are getting some rest and climbing back out of the trenches!


  3. What beautiful, vibrant eggs! I hope that you are feeling better soon!

  4. What a special treat to find in your window box. Your home must radiate peace and "silent moments" for a bird to feel safe enough to have a nest there. Maybe you'll catch them hatching.

  5. indeed that is magic. And even more so that you can recognize it all in the moment. That nest of eggs is beautiful. I can't believe it was right in your window box! I wan to take the blue off those eggs and paint my room with it.

  6. Thank you for your magical reflections. Please feel better soon. Your eggs are so beautiful and it will be so magical to watch them hatch. Be well!


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