1. turtle, 2. yellow water flower, 3. smiles, 4. swing, 5. round moss, 6. strawberries and lavender, 7. orchid, 8. swing and chimes, 9. whoa, 10. wild strawberries, 11. black swallowtail, 12. dad's father's day card
1. A turtle we discovered on the path to John's shop.
2. We kayaked today but the water was so swift I got few pictures. I got this one because I was on a side shoot of the main branch, but I got attacked by stinging nettle in the process! The flowers were lovely even though I don't know what they are.
3. Jude and John have a routine called hugs, noses, smile. This is smile...looking intently into each others eyes.
4. Jude and I hung out for a while at a client's house on the creek while John installed that corner desk. They have a really lovely spot.
5. I love moss.
6. See recipe for strawberry lavender sorbet posted earlier this week. YUM!
7. This was a gift I received at a retreat I went to last weekend. The orchid was so exotic compared to everything else that I am surround by, but I loved seeing every day on our kitchen table. It was "a gift".
8. I wish you could hear this shot.
9. Jude wasn't crazy about the rope swing.
10. We discovered a nice patch of wild strawberries. I hope the slugs leave a few for us. We are just about to begin the season of fruit foraging around here. Mulberries are just about ready.
11. This butterfly was hanging out at our house all day today. And it just didn't fly away when you approached. I couldn't help but think of Bennett and took this shot for John.
12. This was a shot from our nature walk earlier in the week that I fancied up with picnik.
i love this idea of a week in snapshots! how fun. i think i shall give it a try.