Tuesday, August 18, 2009

moment of mindfulness...in the fairy garden

We were in the sweet little village of Mt. Gretna this weekend for their outdoor art show. We did this show for the first time 4 years ago when Jude was just 4 months old. Our booth that year was just a short walk down a tree canopied path to the fairy garden, and I spent so much time there nursing Jude. It was a magical reprieve from the busy-ness of an art show for this tired mama, and it still is only this year Jude was an actively enjoying it as well.

Most people I tell about the fairy garden think I am joking, but their smiles always reveal a deeper knowing that if there were fairies you would definitely find them in Mt. Gretna. You would never find this fairy garden unless you knew that it was there. I just happened to stumble upon it that first year, and now I always look forward to revisiting.

This fairy garden is a community supported affair. The best I can figure is people in the community and perhaps visitors contribute to its making. I'll let the fairies tell the rest of the story...

And I think there were many more I wasn't able to get with the camera ;)


  1. What a beautiful spot! Certainly the work of fairies :-)

  2. That is so wonderful and what a lovely community to do something like that!


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