Sunday, January 31, 2010

moment of mindfulness...under my foot

wherever you place your foot, there rests a blessing....
the leaf of every tree brings a message
from the Unseen world
look! every falling leaf is a blessing. ~rumi

When I am not being fully aware, it is easy to miss opportunities to be grateful. I might look at this soggy ground and think only of the mud that my dog and child will inevitably track into the house, or the bare patch of lawn that will need to be re-seeded....again.

I might miss spotting the leaf that reminds me to be grateful for the tall oaks that grace our creekbank. Or, I might forget about the beautiful sunrise that I witnessed reflected in the same puddle at dawn...

or miss out on the joy of puddle stomping with my child...

There are always a multitude of things for which to be grateful.  I know this...all I have to do is remember to look right under my feet to bring them to my awareness.


Check back on Monday morning...I have a very exciting announcement!


  1. what a good reminder. this is why mindfulness is a practice. because the more often you take the time to focus in on the bounty the surrounds us, the easier it becomes to see it, even in the most chaotic or agitated of days.

  2. That quote is perfect--I always seem to need reminders to be mindful when life gets a bit crazy.

  3. It is always helpful to have a reminder. I can't wait to check back tomorrow to see what you are cooking up...

  4. What a sunrise! Holding my breath for Monday... :)

  5. Oh, I would love to go puddle stomping today. Instead I think we might go slip-sliding on the icy snow outside. Can't wait to check back in tomorrow!

  6. I love puddle jumping. Growing up in the northwest it was a favorite. Can't wait to see you tomorrow!

  7. We LOVE the Macro Greens! The kids think it makes their smoothies...chocolate. What they don't know in this case...won't hurt them!


  8. Oh, I loved this. Really pretty shots.

    I can't wait to see what you are up to!


  9. I was thinking something similiar yesterday whilst walking the dogs and the snow was crunching under my boots. It was early morning and quiet and that was all I heard and I thought Wow! Weird , huh?:-)

  10. I was thinking this today as I went on my run. Was ggetting caught up in my thoughts and almost missed the winter green coldness all around me.

  11. i can't wait for monday! i am grateful for this moment i have to spend reading your blog. i am grateful to be reminded of how much there is to be grateful for. sometimes i think i want a tattoo that would remind me of this every time i saw it....

  12. Lovely...I'm in a constant struggle to try and be/become more mindful...I always feel so much more serene/happy/focused when I am, but so easy to get into the rush, rush, what's coming tomorrow/ what do I regret from yesterday mindset...thanks for this lovely reminder!


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