Thursday, August 5, 2010

the little things

so grateful...

for the little things

and the little ones

that keep me balanced, grounded, and inspired
on this sacred path of life


I am the guest blogger at Grace's My Year in Haiku today.  Funny that earlier this week at threading light, I had something to say about the soul nourishment that nature provides us and I'm finding myself deficient this week.  I think for the rest of this month I'll be popping in this space rather sporadically as I address this issue with more deligence.



  1. Lovely photos and sentiments Elizabeth.
    Fun to see your feet in the last photo on the nature's path. I was happy to see you guest blogging at Grace's, I will be over there this week too! I wish you an insightful week and a heart full with nature's nourishment.

  2. You are so good....soo very good! Thanks for all you do and share and give to the world. Now go take care of yourself for a while!

  3. I read this today, and want to share it with you after reading this post:

    "I have picked flowers where I found them - have picked up sea shells and rocks and pieces of wood... When I found the beautiful white bones on the desert I picked them up and took them home too... I have used these things to say what is to me the wideness and wonder of the world as I live in it." - Georgia O'Keefe

    Go fill the well, and be well.

  4. those are some potent photos. going to grace's!! be diligent sister as long as you need to be.

  5. Take some space and be in place...for as long as needed.


  6. Hope you find it. Beautiful words.

  7. Beautiful words and images. I wish you as much space and time as needed, and look forward to whenever you return

  8. Elizabeth, this is a perfectly simply list. Lovely.

  9. Such a beautiful post, simple and true. Enjoy your time away, and we'll look forward to having you back once you 've regrouped.


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