Wednesday, September 8, 2010

where I've been...

having the ride of my I the fearless lone rider in the front?  the brave one with arms raised triumphantly?  or the mama gripping the safety bar with all her might? 

(and I'll add that this is metaphorically what is happening on a daily basis in my life these days)


I'll be travelling again this week, but check out this week's threading light post on the currents of light.


and be a part of earthmama's ...


  1. That is so awesome! What a priceless shot!

  2. haha! well - that would be me too... i hope everything is alright with you and your family (speaking in regards to your metaphor). sending you light and love!

  3. That is a fantastic picture Elizabeth. What fun you both must have had.

  4. Looks like a lot of fun. And I think many of us oscillate between all three of those things all of the time!

  5. That is such a great photo! Nice to get a peek at you, even if it's on a roller coaster, hair flying madly :). I'll forever think of you that way, ok? ;)

  6. Even though you are gripping the bar, you are clearly and unabashedly joyful. The whole day was a lot of fun.

  7. Wonderful! This ride mimics like to a T.

    Thanks for sharing,

    Katie x

  8. So fun! I haven't been on a good roller coaster ride in years!

  9. that is awesome!!!! i grip too, until i force myself to stop.


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